25 Wonderful Years!
We were just babies!
It was Sunday, March 10, 1985. Several of us "singles" had congregated in the foyer of the church trying to decide where we all would meet for lunch. As we stood chatting, a young man introduced himself to me. His name was Alan and he was a friend of a few of the guys who were a part of our "singles" group.
We arrived at our destination and I sat in the middle section of the looong table at the restaurant. Alan ended up sitting to my left. I was busy chatting with my friends to the right side of me while he chatted to his friends on his left. When the food was served we both sat straight forward in our chairs and began to talk to each other. He was funny and kind and had the cutest dimples and a sweet smile. After lunch, several of us decided to meet at a local park. I was definitely interested in Alan and was pleased that he would be joining the group at the park. We all had fun at the park and left in time to go home to get ready again for church that evening. Alan said he wouldn't be able to make it to the evening service but said he would be able to join us for coffee afterwards at Coco's and asked me to save him a seat.
He arrived at Coco's and sat near me and we chatted and laughed and had a great time. He asked me for my phone number when we all left to go home and called me within a few days. We talked for hours and hours. We discussed everything about life (e.g., the Lord, friendship, dating, what we expected in a spouse, etc.). After those first few phone calls, he came to visit me every night at my aunt's house (which is where I lived at the time), even though he lived clear across town. I was enamored. He was everything I'd ever wanted in a boyfriend and potential spouse: a true christian, cute, on his way to obtaining a higher education, sweet, kind, funny, easy going, well mannered, employed with career aspirations, etc. I wondered if he was really as nice as he seemed to be. He was the nicest guy I'd ever met!
My mom loved him. I would call her often to let her know how things were progressing. I was falling in love with him, but I didn't want to rush the relationship. I told my mom that I was afraid that I was falling for him too fast. She told me that it doesn't necessarily take a long time to fall in love.
We were engaged within a month. Yikes! He wanted to have a wedding. I.Did.Not. I tend to be on the shy side and don't like to be the center of attention. Brides are usually(!) the center of attention at a wedding. Anyway, he talked me into having a wedding. We prayed about getting married...a lot. We didn't want to make a huge mistake. For us, marriage was a lifetime commitment. Somehow, I finally talked him out of having a wedding and we eloped 25 years ago today! It feels like yesterday. I'm still madly, deeply in love with him. And guess what! He really IS as nice as he seems to be!
I love you Sweetie! God has blessed me beyond measure! Praise His Name!
Thanks for reading. Have a blessed day!
Thanks, Kevin!
25 years is quite an accomplishment in today's world, even for Christians. Congratulations!
Thanks, Leo! I agree. It's sad that even the church doesn't take marriage as serious as it should.
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