Friday, September 09, 2005

The Blame Game & Race Baiters

I really hate the blame game and I especially detest it when the race card is pulled without warrant, but when the people blaming others are really the one's at fault it should be exposed as such. I am getting really tired of hearing that President Bush hates black people and that because the vast majority of the New Orleans evacuees are black he took his time in sending aid. Nothing could be further from the truth. I believe the problem was a combination of bureaucratic red tape and incompetence.

I am sure that we can find fault in every level of government, but the bulk of it lies within the local level. (Some of the fault lies with the people themselves for not having evacuated when they were urged to do so. However, there were many poor and elderly people who had no way of evacuating.) Mayor Nagin and Governor Blanco, I believe, were incompetent in this crisis. Nagin had over 200 school buses which he could have used to evacuate the people. Nagin and Governor Blanco are still at odds as to whether or not they should call for a mandatory evacuation of those who remain in the city. These two people know the demographics of their city and state better than the federal government. It was the city's and state's responsibility to have a workable plan to help those in need of evacuation. It is a well known fact that the citizens of the city of New Orleans would be in grave danger due to much needed repairs of the levee which kept the waters at bay. Leo has some excellent links to articles which go into great detail about the dangers that lurked in New Orleans in his September 5 blog entry.

There is much more, but I do not have the time to go into it all. President Bush strongly suggested to the the Governor of Louisiana that she should begin evacuating the people before the storm hit. Nagin and Blanco need to discontinue blaming everyone else for their own incompetence.

I'll leave you with this all important tidbit of information that is sure to get your blood boiling and raise your blood pressure. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and their ilk also need to refrain from blaming President Bush for things in which he had no control. From what I understand, the mainstream media is choosing not to report this important information.

News Max

Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2005 11:52 p.m. EDT

Gov. Kathleen Blanco's Bureaucrats Blocked Food and Water

The Red Cross was reportedly ready to deliver food, water and other supplies to flood-ravaged refugees who were sweltering inside New Orleans' Superdome last week - but the relief was blocked by bureaucrats who worked for Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco.

Fox News Channel's Major Garrett reported Wednesday that the Red Cross had "trucks with water, food, hygiene equipment, all sorts of things ready to go ... to the Superdome and Convention Center."

But the Louisiana Department of Homeland Security, Garrett said, "told them they could not go."

"The Red Cross tells me that Louisiana's Department of Homeland Security said, 'Look, we do not want to create a magnet for more people to come to the Superdome or Convention Center, we want to get them out,'" he explained.

"So at the same time local officials were screaming where is the food, where is the water, the Red Cross was standing by ready [and] the Louisiana Department of Homeland Security said you can't go."

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At Friday, September 09, 2005 2:23:00 PM, Blogger Leo said...

I wonder what these people are thinking when they race bait and play the blame game. I suppose for the demorats (purposeful spelling) it has to do with weakening the president so that they can push their agenda to win the White House. This may be the case for the so called Reverends Jackson and Sharpton since they are democrats as well. It may be to deflect attention away from the fact that many of the looters were black by giving these people reasons to riot. Regardless, I agree that race baiting; the blame game is shameful. One would think that leaders would be very careful about such accusations. I suppose it proves that office holders are not necessarily leaders.

The greater fault as you point out is the neglect by the mayor and governor of their responsibilities. I have read the same stories about food and supplies being blocked at the Superdome. Talk about cold hearted and sinfully pragmatic! Unbelievable! I just heard that Michael Brown is no longer in charge of the FEMA Operation in the stricken areas. Seems to me that the mayor, governor, and Louisiana Homeland Security Director should follow if these things are true. Atleast two layers of government exist between the president and the relief efforts. How could they expect the president to barge in and take over! A lot of soul searching needs to be done in the hearts of many so-called leaders and the electorate as well. So sad that so many have to suffer at the hand of incompetents.

At Friday, September 09, 2005 2:58:00 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

Leo, I have not heard much news today. I'm wondering if Brown stepped down or if he was fired. Probably they gave him to the option to step down. I'm sure I'll hear about it later on the news.

The poverty pimps make their money by blaming others for the ills of their own culture and race. They need to blame everyone else to keep their faces before the people who cry foul at every turn and expect a handout. I'm not saying that everyone in New Orleans is expecting a handout because they are not, but there are a great many who do. And, like you said, these people will take any and every opportunity to make Bush and his administration look bad. Fortunately, I think the vast majority see through this ploy, but that doesn't stop the liberal media from perpetuating known lies.

It is absolutely amazing to see these poverty pimps justify the looting that went on and mostly refuse to admit that these people were wrong. No wonder much of the black community is in such sad shape.

At Friday, September 09, 2005 3:01:00 PM, Blogger Dawn said...

I just heard on the news that Michael Brown is still with FEMA, but he is no longer over the Katrina crisis.

At Saturday, September 10, 2005 1:52:00 PM, Blogger Leo said...

What do you mean by "poverty pimp"? I am somwhat familiar with Thomas Sowell's and Walter William's use of the term,
/cols/sowell103098.asp. Are you speaking of the poor who abuse the system or the class of organizations that "pimp" the poor and make themselves rich? I consider Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to be latter.

I see New Orleans as John Bunyan's "Vanity Fair" of the United States so I am not surprised that immoral people loot businesses and otherwise abuse one another when all constraint is removed.

Concerning FEMA's Michael Brown, LaShawn Barber found that his credentials are somewhat exaggerated so it reads like he is over his head and the Katrina hurricane proved it to everyone.

I thought that one of the local Detroit radio shows called "Johsua's Trail"
radio.htm hit the nail on the head when they reminded our liberal friends that the Government is not God. I think that the people in New Orleans would have been better prepared had they did not believed that the government would rescue them. So the Harry Reid's and Nancy Pelosi's and the MSM sycophants can blame the Bush administration but the problem lies with themselves for creating a dependant class.

At Thursday, September 15, 2005 6:10:00 AM, Blogger Dawn said...

Leo: "What do you mean by "poverty pimp"? I am somwhat familiar with Thomas Sowell's and Walter William's use of the term,
/cols/sowell103098.asp. Are you speaking of the poor who abuse the system or the class of organizations that "pimp" the poor and make themselves rich? I consider Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to be latter.

I'm speaking of the latter. And I agree, Jackson and Sharpton are poverty pimps.

Leo: "So the Harry Reid's and Nancy Pelosi's and the MSM sycophants can blame the Bush administration but the problem lies with themselves for creating a dependant class.

Totally agreed. These people are just so corrupt it is sickening. They're dirty tricksters of the worst kind.


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