Saturday, July 30, 2005

Parody or Postmodernity?

I was reading Phil Johnson’s blog and ran across this jewel, provided by Nathan. I think Phil aptly described my own feelings when he stated, "It was funny, horrifying, deeply disturbing, and appalling all at once." (I look forward to reading more of Phil’s blog. At first glance, it appears as though Nathan has covered just about every subject I had planned on blogging in just one blog! =:o Still, I can hardly wait to read beyond the headings.)

I think the guy who produced this video is serious and not making fun of Christianity, though I did wonder at first. Obviously this young man is talented; however, it has become an unfortunate trend in the church to mix worldly pleasures with the things of God. What is even more unfortunate is that this type of behavior is highly encouraged by our church leaders in an effort to draw the younger crowd into the church (though, there are also compromises in other areas of the church, but I’ll leave that for another blog entry), thus creating false converts. I'm not saying that the young man who created the video is a false convert, but I know there are many out there.

Somewhere along the line our Creator was morphed from who He really is-- God Almighty who demands and deserves our reverence, the God who chastises those whom He loves, the God who leads us in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake-- into an impostrous "loving" (read: non-judgmental) God who is "hip and cool" and does not hold one accountable.

Please do not get me wrong, I am not saying that God is not loving (read: gentle and comforting) and longsuffering because He most certainly is. But the love of God is pure, holy and just. It does not tolerate compromise or stand for irreverence. There will always be consequences of one degree or another to one's actions whether good or bad, and it is quite dangerous to teach otherwise.

Our pastors need to repent and stop with the gimmicks already. They need to lead by putting their faith in the word of God, lifting up Jesus who will draw all men unto Him instead of allowing compromise to overrun the church by preaching "feel good, non-offensive" messages. They need to be preaching holiness and reverence, obedience and sacrifice, and holding their congregations accountable for their actions. It is my prayer that this young man will wise up and direct his talents toward an uncompromised approach of witnessing and preaching the gospel and drop the über-coolness act.

Dawn's Deliberations Copyright © 2005


Thursday, July 28, 2005

Travesty of Justice

On July 4, 2005 Karla Homolka was released from prison. I'm very familiar with Karla Homolka and her husband, Paul Bernardo. Some years ago I read the book Deadly Innocence which goes into great detail about these two monstrosities. In the early 90's, Karla and Paul abducted, tortured, raped and murdered two teenage girls in Canada. The two were also responsible for the rape and death of Karla's younger sister, Tammy. Before Paul and Karla hooked up, Paul was busy raping other women, then dubbed "The Scarborough Rapist." Paul and Karla are also supsected of raping and murdering a woman in Hawaii while on their honeymoon.

Karla plea bargained for a lesser charge of manslaughter in return for her testimony against her husband. While it is true that her testimony was absolutely necessary for a successful conviction against her husband, I think Karla got off way too easily. She was sentenced to just 12 years in prison, in a minimum security facility! Inside the "prison" she was free to sunbathe, attend birthday parties and earn a degree in psychology. Where's a puke emoticon when you need one!?

I ran across this piece of ridiculousness while doing a search for some sort of press release on Karla:

"Does the public really have anything to fear from serial killers? The answer is a big fat no. Yet because of the over exposure serial killers get in the media, the public believes that they are in constant danger of being murdered."

This person obviously has no clue. Has she never heard of Ted Bundy, Kenneth Allen McDuff or Arthur Shawcross? These serial killers were repeat offenders once released from prison, though Bundy escaped from prison rather than having been released.

I believe Karla is already exhibiting extremely disturbing behavior.

  1. "On May 29, CBC reported that she chose "Karla Leanne Teale" as her new official name - "Teale" being the name that Paul Bernardo had adopted in honor of the fictional serial killer "Martin Thiel" in the film Criminal Law." If that fact alone isn't a big 'ole red flag, then I don't know what is.
  2. The conditions of her parole dictate that she have no contact with violent criminals. Yet, "her boyfriend, Jean-Paul Gerbet, is housed in the same prison for the 1998 killing of his ex-girlfriend."
  3. While in prison Karla engaged in a homosexual relationship with another inmate. It is believed by her female companion that she only "pretended to be her lover in order to get lingerie and a computer." Obviously, Karla had ulterior motives for pursuing the relationship; she simply saw it as a way to fulfill her lusts: sexual and material. It appears that Karla is highly manipulative, not a good sign given her heinous background.

Karla has a degree in psychology and I believe she has fooled Dr. Sharon Williams, her psychologist. Dr. Williams has determined that Karla does not fit the profile of a psychopath. Other professionals who have reviewed her case, but have not interviewed Karla personally, disagree and believe that she is indeed a psychopath. I believe she is still a potential threat to society.

Dawn's Deliberations Copyright © 2005

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Yesterday my husband was talking to a friend of ours and learned some disturbing and heartbreaking news. Our friend's friend, whom we've met, has an 18 year old son who has just told him he is a homosexual.

I'm literally stunned. Somehow, I knew what my husband was going to say before he said it. Still, when he said it, it went through me like an electrical shock. It made me sick to my stomach. This poor child. I'm sure I have met this young man because I believe I have met all of this man's children. I have so many questions. This has not been a good year for this family and to have this added tragedy is putting extreme pressure on them all. So please pray for them. Thanks.

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Monday, July 18, 2005

Was the Christian Voice Wrong?

On the 6th of July, Glue Guy posted about a controversy going on between two UK entities: The Co-operative Bank (TCB) and the Christian Voice (CV). TCB accuses the CV of spreading hate speech. Glue Guy asks some pertinent questions concerning this controversy, namely did the CV act vituperatively when dealing with the issue of homosexuality and homosexual rights?

Below is an excerpt of TCB’s press release of the charges they claim against the CV. I have also included an excerpt of the CV’s response to the bank’s accusations.

Press Release: The Co-operative Bank

The Co-operative Bank asked Christian Voice to close its account on the basis of the hateful and offensive statements they peddle, and their aim of stigmatising people who are homosexual. Their statements go far beyond the view held by some Christians that 'homosexuality is a sin:' alleging that homosexuals are 'formed' via paedophilia (and that they will in turn propagate this further), and that their innate 'corruptness' renders them unfit for the police force.

Many Christians and church groups have welcomed our stand and noted that this organisation is not the "voice" of Christianity. Freedom of speech requires a climate of respect and tolerance if it is to operate optimally. We accept that everyone has the right to freedom of thought on religion; however, we do not believe that this entitles people to actively encourage and practice discrimination. Like other extremists, this group would claim the benefits of freedom of speech for themselves, whilst seeking to deny them to others via the creation of a climate of hate.

Press Release: Christian Voice

Stephen Green, National Director of Christian Voice, said today: "The decision from the Co-operative Bank fits a pattern where politically-correct bully-boys try to attack Christian organisations, Christian symbols, the Bible, and in the case of Jerry Springer the Opera and BBC2, even the person of our Saviour."

Stephen Green retorted: "Of course we make ‘discriminatory pronouncements on grounds of sexual orientation’. We have been criticising homosexual rights ever since we started eleven years ago. Standing up for righteousness is what we do. In fact you could say there are dozens of such pronouncements in my own book "The Sexual Dead-End", which was published in 1992. It is a conviction of our Christian faith that homosexual activity is sinful; in fact that it is an abomination in the eyes of God. It is also a conviction of ours that the Lord Jesus shed His precious blood to forgive the sins of all who put their trust in Him, including sexually-active homosexuals.

Glue Guy says:

"It sounds on the surface like the Christian Voice has become a noisy gong. I Corinthians 13:1"

Glue Guy is correct in that Christians should speak out against sin in a spirit of love and I can see where he, and others, might think that "on the surface" the CV didn't act in a spirit of love; however, it has been my experience that the politically correct crowd or those actively living in overt sin are quick to charge those who expose and speak out against such lifestyles with being hateful and unchristian. The fact is that sometimes the truth hurts. I saw truth in what the CV was being accused of saying, however, I highly doubted that the CV actually stated it in a vituperative manner. So on I went to search and read in context what the CV had to say about homosexuality.

TCB stated that the CV "alleg[es] that homosexuals are 'formed' via paedophilia (and that they will in turn propagate this further)...". The CV wrote an essay, Britain In Sin, which outlines Britain’s social problems and how they relate to the Ten Commandments. Below is what the CV said about homosexuality and pedophilia in context. As you will see, their statements about pedophilia were neither hateful nor disrespectful, but rather these statements are the very sad truth of the matter. In their Family Law section of the Seventh Commandment, the CV was merely asserting known facts for one of the many causes of homosexuality.

Britain In Sin


8. Family Law Act 1996

Around 50% of men cannot expect to bring up their own children. Household size has declined dramatically as families have split up. An additional demand on housing will arise not just from the increased number of smaller homes needed to house people when families split up. Children are and will be increasingly leaving home after the introduction of new adult male mothers' "boy-friends". One of the many complex roots of homosexuality in males is an emotionally distant or absent father. Another, in both males and females, is sexual abuse. It is bvecoming [sic] well-established that homosexual men and other abusers seek out divorced and single mothers and move in to gain access to the children. The cycle is then repeated, or the child moves out, or both.

In 2003, the CV wrote a 16 page exposé, Homosexuality and the Police, on the gay agenda, the Gay Police Association and the police departments' (England's and Wales') complicity in advancing the gay agenda. I encourage everyone to read for themselves what the CV has to say (I've provided a few excerpts) because they are right on the mark. Not only should TCB be applauding the CV for their exposition of the deleterious effects of homosexuals and their agenda, but they should also be demanding the police force rethink their position on the matter. Woe to them who call evil good and good evil!

Homosexuality and the Police

See: Recruitment Policy

As a result of pressure from ‘gay activists’ many if not all police forces now place recruitment adverts for practising homosexuals in the ‘gay press’. This is a decision driven by political correctness and expediency, but is it wise in pure policing terms?

  • Homosexual police are involved in some of the most disgusting perversions imaginable; how can they bring clean hands to any police investigation?
  • Homosexual police are corrupted by what they do; how can they investigate cases of corruption?
  • Their whole life is lived in denial; how can they be expected to tell the truth in Court?
  • Homosexual police are likely to seek sexual encounters in public conveniences and in the open (most homosexual men do); are they going to take part in exercises against ‘cottaging’ and ‘cruising’?
  • Their sexual behaviour is deviant and indecent; how can they uphold public decency and morality?
  • The police are supposed to be impartial; does the deliberate recruitment of shamelessly homosexual men and women explain the recent explosion of cases brought against Gospel preachers and pro-life campaigners? (emphasis added)
  • Many homosexual men will have been interfered with at a young age, and be sexually attracted to boys of around that age as a result; are homosexual police going to be exempted from investigations into paedophile activities?
  • The police serve the monarch of a constitutionally Christian country; how does the police force square that fact with the recruitment of officers who commit acts which are an abomination in the eyes of Almighty God?

See: Weakness

The case of Brian Paddick is an object lesson in why homosexuals should not be in the police service.

See: Sex Offender Policeman Gets His Job Back

A ‘gay’ policeman sacked after being convicted of indecency with a boy of 16 got his job back.

See: Sexual Abuse

Another route into homosexuality is that of being sexually young. Here, too, divorce often plays a part, when an unrelated a [sic] sexual designs on children moves in with the mother (who normally has custody today). Identification with the abuser (the Stockholm syndrome) leaves abused child looking for similar sexual experiences in adulthood. Superintendent Michael Hames, now retired from the Scotland Yard Squad, said that homosexual men are attracted to boys of a similar age to that at which they were first abused - not that they ever saw it, from their perspective - as abuse. We are all different. The same emotional trauma which turns one young woman to seek sexual satisfaction amongst her own sex will leave another completely unscathed. The lack of a father for one boy may be of little importance - for another it may leave scars of resentment, and for another, he will be found seeking consolation in a public lavatory. You would need a heart of stone not to weep for those caught up in homosexuality. Those who portray homosexuality as simply an expression of diversity, or as natural and normal, and thereby lead others astray, will be called to judgment at a greater court than any on this earth.

I thought the piece was written in a respectful, civil and loving manner. Actually, they were being very kind and only touched the surface of what truly goes on behind the scenes within the homosexual community. My only complaint is that the format was a bit tabloidish. I can only surmise that the CV wanted to get their point across as to how appalled they were at the whole "Gay Pride" march (especially in police uniform), which in and of itself is tabloidish, and they wanted to get peoples' attention. I'm not that familiar with the CV's publishing practices, but their essay on Britain In Sin was done very tastefully, in my humble opinion.

The point is, the information needed to be exposed because most people are not aware of the true depravity of the gay lifestyle for all they see is the loveable and zany Jack and the level-headed and witty Will on Will & Grace; or the ubiquitous, misunderstood, warm, nice, well-meaning “gay” person who just wants to express his/her “love” (there is no love involved in this lifestyle, but rather it is full on lust...big difference) on any one of America’s sitcoms, dramas or movies; or they may have a gay friend or two who appear on the surface to be moral and upstanding citizens. I have gay friends and acquaintances, too, and, for the most part, they are very nice, intelligent, talented, community-minded people. Some I have had the opportunity to get know a little more personally and am privy to their personality traits, relationships and lifestyles and they all have serious problems: psychologically, emotionally and relationally.

Also, I have done extensive (though not exhaustive) research on homosexuality: the pathology, the lifestyle and the agenda; therefore, I am well aware of the collusion between the so-called “scientific” world, the psychiatric world, the liberal ideological world and the secular media world and their efforts to advance the homosexual agenda. Their stategy is very clever, methodical and subtle. Unfortunately, the agenda appears to be working quite well and is right on track pushing full steam ahead. Why, even the church has jumped on board! Contrary to popular belief the lifestyle is far from innocuous and should be exposed and rejected at every turn.

It is understandable that the homosexual community would try to distance themselves or secrete such facts as named in the CV’s article, but it absolutely amazes me that there are those in the heterosexual and CHRISTIAN communities who would be willing accomplices in the cover-up of such information. I realize that some in the Christian community are misguided wherein they believe that they should not speak out passionately or forcefully against sin, namely homosexuality, because they misunderstand the biblical meaning of "love". They also woefully misunderstand Jesus’ teachings and his example because they seem to forget that he also rebuked those who refused to repent for their sin. The reason Christians are to speak out (in true biblical love) and must do so is to save souls from hell and to save society from corruption. Yes, corruption.

Luke 13:3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

1 Corinthians 15:33 Be not deceived: evil companions corrupt good morals.

There is a balance to everything that God teaches in His word. Yes, we are to do everything in the spirit of love, but speaking the truth in love isn’t always pleasant no matter how hard one tries to be civil and gentle about it. The word of God offends, it divides and separates.

Luke 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division.

Jesus loved the sinner, but did not tolerate the sin. When he encountered those in sin one-on-one he addressed their sin and told them to “go and sin no more.” Christians often mistake the love of God to mean the toleration of God, but the Bible clearly teaches that we are not to tolerate sin. Look how Jesus reacted to those whom he had encountered who did not receive Him and repent of their sin. He didn’t candy-coat how He felt about their rejection of Him. Jesus' motto was grace to the humble and law to the proud.

Luke 10:10-16 But into whatsoever city ye enter, and they receive you not, go your ways out into the streets of the same, and say, Even the very dust of your city, which cleaveth on us, we do wipe off against you: notwithstanding be ye sure of this, that the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you. But I say unto you, that it shall be more tolerable in that day for Sodom, than for that city. Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon, which have been done in you, they had a great while ago repented, sitting in sackcloth and ashes. But it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment, than for you. And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted to heaven, shalt be thrust down to hell. He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me; and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me.

Not once did I see any epithets from the CV in either of their articles. I saw a balance of love and outrage, concern and correction. I saw the voice of reason and compassion and an avenue for reconciliation. The CV’s article would not have been a point of debate in the Christian community or society as a whole just 25 years ago; instead, most would have been just as outraged as the CV and taken action against the PD. We’ve allowed the homosexual agenda to creep up on us while only a few in the church have set the trumpet to their mouths, sounding the alarm. The majority have effectively ignored the warnings and many have foolishly jumped the fence in support of the homosexual movement in erroneous answer to WWJD? The church is to be a light and to preserve the ways of the Lord not abandon them.

Matthew 5:13-14
Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an
hill cannot be hid.

The CV is doing what it is supposed to be doing. Britain started out as a Christian nation and this organization is merely trying to be a light and to be that salt so that their country doesn’t plummet into total depravity with its justice system paving the way. It may well be too late, but at least they are trying and are doing what God has commanded His people to do.

Soon it will be against the law to speak out against homosexuality in Britain, and America is probably next. Recently, Christians who were protesting peacefully at a gay rally (supported by our tax dollars!) in Philadelphia were arrested. (Chrisitans were met with vulgar acts and threats of violence from the rally participants.) Their crime? Hate! What was so hateful? Holding up signs with scripture on them. *tragedy of all tragedies!* Thankfully, the charges were dropped, but these people were inconvenienced by having to spend time in jail. It appears that it won't be long before those charges will stick so we should be praying and taking action in hopes that that day never comes to fruition. Speaking out against homosexuality is already illegal in Sweden and Canada.

I think the CV has summed up their article rather well and I’ll let them speak for themselves.

See: Sexual Healing

Becoming homosexual may not be a matter of choice, but staying homosexual certainly is. Christian healing - or the power of God, who is Almighty, can resolve the underlying pathologies and the homosexual life can be left behind. No one has to stay homosexual. There are men and women alive today who have walked away from homosexuality, dealing a deathblow to the bizarre idea that homosexuals are ‘born that way’. Although persecuted by homosexual activists because of the challenge they pose, Christian healing ministries lead the way. A spiritual force keeps some people homosexual. Others may leave each healing session only to go back to homosexual friends, who think they are mad to want to change.

The belief in a superior spiritual force, in the form of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is also a personal saviour, friend and helper, is invaluable in the process of repentance and healing. One man said: “I came to crisis as I realised that a homosexual lifestyle was not what God had planned for anyone’s life. Jesus made it clear through His example and teaching that people should remain single without sexual attachments or be faithful within marriage. I knew I had to change my life and go God’s way. As a 'gay' person that meant I was prepared to be single for the rest of my life. I found that, through His Spirit, God gave me the power to overcome temptation AND He has done what I thought impossible - God has so changed my life that I am now married with a family!”

Possible To Break Away

“Don’t get me wrong, the Christian life isn’t all plain sailing At times it can be very hard, but believe me, following Jesus is the best life there is! It’s worth giving up relationships and exciting experiences that are wrong, because the experience of God’s love, forgiveness and power is far more exciting - and it lasts forever!” Another letter, this time from a teenager: “This is just to let those of you who think they may be ‘gay’ know that it is not irreversible - I was, and am now well on the way to ‘recovery’! I am going to be 17 in a matter of days, and this has been a very turbulent year for me - sometimes in complete despair because of my enjoying looking at other guys, I have managed to turn that around, admittedly not completely yet... but I can now say I have come from being ‘gay’ to ‘bisexual’ and, being Christian, I hope soon to be solely straight.” “Christianity and homosexuality do not mix - the Bible says so, it was written by God, who loves us all, no matter what - if we really love Him we will not practise homosexuality- God did not make us to be homosexual, which means it is possible to break away from. Why would God make it possible for us to be ‘gay’ and then condemn it?”

Loving the Sinner

Who loves a homosexual more? He who encourages him to continue in what the Bible calls ‘an abomination’ or he who warns him and calls him to repent? The Bible is quite clear. Way back in Leviticus, in fact just between the two chapters which condemn sexual perversion, we read that love for our neighbour is equated with warning him: “Thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him. ...thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. I am the LORD.” (Lev. 19:17-18) “Loving the Lord God means hating evil: “Ye that love the LORD, hate evil” (Psalm 97:10a) The same thought is in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians: “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” (Eph. 5:11)

Reprove and Rebuke

In fact, if we do not warn our neighbour, a terrible fate awaits us: The Prophet Ezekiel was given this chilling word: “When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.” (Eze. 3:18)

The Apostle Paul writes to Timothy, an elder of the early church: “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.” (2 Tim. 4:2) He uses similar words to the Christians in Thessalonica: “Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.”. (1 Thes. 5:14)

God uses us as an instrument of His mercy: “Say unto them, “As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways.” (Eze. 33:11)

Joy In Heaven

The Lord Jesus expresses the same thought: “I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.” (Luke 15:7)

One young man whom Jesus met thought he was right with God, but out of His love for the man, the Lord gave him a difficult challenge: “Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, “One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.” (Mark 10:2 1)

Warning a sinner is never easy, and warning a homosexual goes against the spirit of the age - indeed if Christians are not vigilant it could become illegal. There are always those who love the praise of men more than the praise of God. (John 12:43) “But the friends of the world are the enemies of God’s” as the Apostle James writes (Jas 4:4). James also writes of the reward for saving a sinner from death: “Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner
from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.” (Jas. 5:20)

My Brother’s Keeper

Those who confirm homosexuals in their pathological and perverted lifestyle show no love or compassion according to the Biblical witness. They are like heartless Cain crying: “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Let us pray that the church will become so strong in its love for God and our fellow man that it is willing, even in these dark days, to minister the healing and saving power of Christ to those in need. Let us pray for the courage to stand up for Christ Jesus and the truth at this time when even Chief Police Officers cannot tell the difference between right and wrong, clean and unclean, pure and corrupt. And let us pray that our leaders will turn back to God and lead our nation back to the paths of righteousness.

And, just for the record, homosexuality is not normal.

Dawn's Deliberations Copyright © 2005


Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Original Intent of Our Founding Fathers Part I

I hope everyone had a great day in celebrating our country's independence. In belated honor of that great day I'd like to begin a series on the original intent behind the First Amendment and what our Founders had envisioned for our country, namely the separation of church and state and the role Christianity is to play in our society. Our Founders never dreamed that our religious freedoms would be as horribly stripped away as they have been in recent decades.

Revisionist historians have effectively beguiled the citizenry into believing that religion should be kept out of the public square and nothing could be further from the truth. Unfortunately, that belief has, over the years and for various reasons, helped to erode many of our Christian freedoms, but I think the church is finally waking up to the fact that they have made a grave error and are beginning to fight back. I hope to spark a flame in those reading to do further research on the subject so that they, too, can join in the fight to reclaim our religious freedoms. We need Christians to learn the truth about our nation's rich Christian heritage so that they can be equipped to share their knowledge of the truth with others. Let's hope it is not too late.

When studying the founding documents, debates and writings of the founders, et al we must be careful not to read them anachronistically. For example the word "religion" had a different definition than the definition of religion today which includes atheism and humanism. Depending upon the context, the Founders held to three distinct connotations of the word "religion":

  1. Christianity
  2. A particular denomination within Chrsitianity
  3. A fundamental set of beliefs other than Christianity (e.g., Muslimism, Judaism, etc.)

Religion: [I]ncludes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of His will to man, and in man’s obligation to obey His commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man’s accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life with the practice of all moral duties. . . . [T]he practice of moral duties without a belief in a Divine Lawgiver, and without reference to His will or commands, is not religion.--The American Dictionary of the English Language 1828

Keeping this in mind is a must to properly interpret the original intent of the founders when addressing the subject of religion. Revisionists have been very effective at spreading their misinformation by reinterpreting the writings of the Founders to bolster the idea that government cannot promote religion or promote one relgion over another.

The Founders in no way repudiated religion in government and felt that guidance from God was needed in running a successful government, thus, the enactment of prayer each day in both Houses of Congress. They believed that true religion [the Christian religion] and morality were the support of a just government, but believed that the federal government had no jurisdiction in the establishment of religion [a particular Christian denomination], nor should there be a federal religious test; they believed these decisions should be left up to the States via the people. In fairly recent years, the religious test ban in Article VI has been grossly misapplied and misinterpreted.

The Founders believed in religious freedom and the right to worship the deity according to the dictates of one's conscience. The Founders believed that the government should not intermeddle in the affairs of the church meaning that they could not regulate or dictate the operation of the church. The Founders did not discourage, but rather encouraged, government aid (notice I said, AID, not taxation) in the propagation of the Christian religion because they knew that a religious and moral people would be a great support to our government. They also believed that the Christian religion was the one true religion or the best of all religions or both because of the teachings of Jesus Christ. They also believed that the Christian God was a God of liberty and that the people should learn of the Christian religion.

The Founders did not set out to form a federal religious theocracy (the subject of religion was to be left up to the states) and were very careful not to allow the country to turn into one, but they also did not want the government to be able to prohibit religion; thus, the First Amendment. True history (how sad that we now have to qualify history by preceding it with the word "true") speaks for itself. We were a Christian nation at our founding and our Founders did NOT prohibit the free exercise of religion within the confines of government. I will set about to prove this in future articles.

Dawn's Deliberations Copyright © 2005

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Friday, July 01, 2005

Lost Liberty Hotel

Eminent Domain abuses are happening far too often and this decision made by the Supreme Court is paving the way for more abuse. Americans should be writing their representatives and demanding that our judiciary, even at the highest level, be held accountable for their rank disregard for the U.S. Constitution.

While I don't agree with Mr. Clements' tactics Justice Souter will be reaping what he has sown; that is, if this proposal is approved and comes to fruition. Though I must admit, the name of the hotel and cafe are quite clever. I saw Mr. Clements on Fox News the night before last and he said that he would be more than happy to serve Justice Souter some Crow Pie. :-)

Dawn's Deliberations Copyright © 2005

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